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Food Safety and Quality Management System - PDF Free Download - Uploaded by 




  3 • ABC Guide on Food Safety Management Systems. PART I - Summary of HACCP (HaZard Analysis This 'Declaration of Intent' is inserted in the HACCP manual. There are two basic stages to go through to implement a food safety system. ESTABLISH GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES. In order to build a good foundation for your. Please note that this is included as a guide and you are free to add or substitute aspects to meet your own unique goals. You are also free to complete this.  

Food safety management system manual free download. Food Safety and Quality Management System


Section 0. The processes are as follows: receival, inspection, storage, compounding, inspection of finished productspackaging and distribution. Revision History Date Document Revision e. No lubricant is used in the mixers and that Production Supervisor had to be eliminated from the document Expansion of the Preventative Maintenance Program H. A Manager Auditors from Customer Audit.

Temperature values were removed since no thermometer is used during checks. Verification column was added. Appendix 24 updated to reflect change windows 10 pro windows loader free QA Manager and production supervisor. Food Safety Management System Changes made to clarify roles of individuals in the recall process.

Customer contact and Invoice now food safety management system manual free download. Area and date customer contacted was removed. New food safety management system manual free download to be used when goods are being returned to XYZ. Quality Assurance Manager. The following were added: - Hazardous Material Warning Labels.

Replaces Dock Report. Completion of this checklist will ensure that raw materials are received in good condition. Food Safety Management System done every six weeks. Minor changes in wording food safety management system manual free download document 02 Addition of new documents Manual Introduction, Macro process Flowchart, Overview of responsibilities.

XYZ has developed and food safety management system manual free download a food safety management system to better satisfy the needs of its customers and to improve management of the business. This Manual has been prepared to define the food safety system, provide general procedures for all activities comprising the safety system and establish responsibilities of the personnel affected by the system.

Our high priority placed on food safety is based on our belief and experience that commercial success and good food safety practice and performance are long-term compatible goals. Management: Coordinate activities to direct and control an organization Testing: Determination of one or more characteristics according to procedure Traceability: Ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration Validation: Obtaining evidence that the control measures managed by the HACCP plan and by operational pre-requisite programs are capable of being effective.

Verification: Confirmation, through the provision of food safety management system manual free download evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled.

The application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in addition to monitoring to determine compliance with the HACCP plan. Effectiveness: Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved.

Food Safety Management System Ingredient: Any material whether purchased or manufactured, that is used as a constituent part of another manufactured material. Non-conformance: The failure of a purchased or manufactured ingredient or product material to meet an agreed specification. This failure may occur as a result of violation in the Prerequisite Program or Plan. Objective Evidence: Any documented statement of fact, information or record, either quantitative or qualitative pertaining to the quality of an item or activity, based on observations, measurements or tests, which can be verified.

Food Safety Management System Section 4. The international food safety management system standard ISO is being used as best practice and provides the structure of this document. Figure 1. Quality and Food Safety Policy XYZ, a major Manufacturer and Supplier of flavours, fragrances, essential oils, spices and food colours is committed to ensuring that its products satisfy all required Food Safety Standards.

The employees at XYZ are personally committed to understand, meet and when possible exceed our customer requirements through continuous food safety management system manual free download of our processes and a team of highly trained staff in an ISO environment.

We are also committed to providing excellent Technical Support Services, to be creative in our product range and to guarantee customer satisfaction by employing food safety management system manual free download team of dedicated and experienced employees.

Food Safety Management System 4. The QA Manager shall ensure that all documents: Are reviewed and approved for adequacy prior to issue Are available at point of use Are updated, reviewed and approved for re-issue as necessary Are identified with their current version status Are legible, readily identifiable and retrievable Of external origin are identified and their distribution is managed That are obsolete are stored in a history file physically and electronically.

Documents defined as records are managed per the Control of Records procedure. Control of Records The food safety management system records are established and maintained to provide evidence that: Products and processes meet specified requirements The FSMS is operated in accordance with documented procedures and that it is effective. Where required, FSMS records also include traceability information.

Records are established by personnel performing the task, operation, or activity for which the results need to be recorded, records are dated. Records are normally stored in a dry clean area by the same department that initially establish the record.

Food Safety Management System Retention period of the FSMS records are determined on the basis of the shelf-life of the product or the event to which the record pertains and on regulatory and contractual requirements.

Management periodically reviews the FSMS to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The review evaluates current status and performance of the FSMS and initiates actions for further improvement of the system.

The process for conducting management review is defined in section 5. Management is committed to ensuring adequate resources are made available, to establish and support food safety initiatives. Management is committed to communicating the importance of meeting customer as well as regulatory and legal requirements. Management representative is responsible for implementing this commitment by promoting awareness of customer requirements through the organization.

Customer Focus Determining customer requirements Основываясь на этих данных requirements are understood broadly to include all aspects of product offering and associated services, which are relevant to customer satisfaction. Customer requirements are determined and verified through the process of order review Meeting Customer requirements Nearly all processes and elements of the FSMS are designed and implemented specifically to ensure that that customers requirements are met.

This starts with provision of required training and adequate infrastructure and suitable work environment. Next follows planning and implementation of reliable and effective product realization processes section 7. Finally, activities related to product and process monitoring and verification. Customer Satisfaction Focusing on customer requirements and on meeting these requirements should result in enhancing customer satisfaction.

The level of customer satisfaction is used as a measure of the effectiveness of the entire FSMS. Customer satisfaction is measured through: Review of repeat business Supplier performance feedback from our food safety management system manual free download Review of our success in resolving customer queries.

Food Safety Management System The food safety policy is established by management representative and is approved by the Managing Director.

Any changes to the policy must likewise be approved by the Managing Director. Role of the food safety management system manual free download The main role of the food safety policy is to communicate the companys commitment and aspirations with regards to the FSMS and pc software full free define principal objectives for the management system To establish a culture of food safety management throughout the organization, focusing on customer satisfaction and continual improvement.

The food safety policy provides a framework for establishing specific objectives and provides direction for the continual improvement effort. Communication The food safety policy is posted throughout the organization and its role is explained to all employees The food safety policy is also communicated to customers, consumers and other interested parties. Reviews The food safety policy is periodically reviewed within the framework of management reviews of the FSMS.

This is to ensure its continual relevance and suitability. The processing for reviewing the policy is defined in the Management review procedure. Food Safety Objectives The ссылка на продолжение safety objectives are established throughout the organization to implement the food safety policy, to meet requirements for products and processes and to improve the FSMS performance. FS objectives define the direction and priority for continual improvement. Food Safety Management System FS objectives food safety management system manual free download monitored under agreed time frame for their achievement.

These food safety objectives are constantly reviewed and updated. When establishing objectives management considers: The food safety policy Applicable legal, regulatory and other requirements Current business consideration Objectives are measurable and responsible owners are assigned.

Food Safety Management System Planning The food safety management system elements and processes are planned to ensure that they system is appropriate for its intended process and it is effective and efficient.

The purpose of the FSMS is: To achieve the food safety /832.txt To ensure and demonstrate the ability to provide consistent products that meets customer and regulatory requirements To ensure high level of customer satisfaction To facilitate continual improvement To comply with the requirements of the applicable food safety standard.

These documents identify and define all elements of the processes of the food safety management system Changes to the FSMS are planned within the framework of the management reviews. Food safety management system manual free download changes may be in response to changing circumstances such as product, process, capacity or other operational or organizational change; or to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the FSMS. Product realization and food safety management system manual free download planning Planning of product realization, verification and validation is addressed in section 7.

Continual improvement planning Improvement of the management system is planned within the framework of the management reviews. The output of this planning is expressed in the form of FS policy objectives and in continual improvement process and management reviews. Page 18 of It defines relationships and identifies the line of Authority and Responsibility.

It can be found in the appendix 1of this manual. The Representative has the authority and responsibility to ensure: The food safety management system is implemented, maintained and continually improved Report to top management on the performance of the FSMS, including needs for improvement Promote awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization Coordinate communication with external parties on matters relating to the FSMS and certification bodies Ensures relevant training food safety management system manual free download education of the FSMS team members.

External Communication XYZ ensures that sufficient information on issues concerning food safety is available throughout the food chain. External communication includes: Where determined by the organization, communicating information about significant hazards and risks to external interested parties. Receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communication from нажмите чтобы перейти interested parties.

Food Safety Management System Communicating with stakeholders, customers, regulatory and statutory authorities as well as suppliers and contractors. Management communicates to the organization the FS policy and Objectives; customer and regulatory requirements; product and process specifications; ссылка на страницу and validation /21678.txt and instructions on how to implement and use the FSMS.

The organization communicates to management information and data regarding customer needs and expectations, customer satisfaction, Здесь performance, the effectiveness of the FSMS and opportunities for improvement The information is communicate through manuals, procedures, process description, instructions, flowcharts, forms, specifications, FS records etc; and through training, on the job instruction and meetings.

Control of documents, competency and awareness and training regulate these activities Management review meetings have a special role in ensuring proper communication between the top management and the organization. The meetings provide the framework for the organization to report on the status of the FSMS related issues and activities.

Minutes of all management reviews and operation meetings are recorded Internal mail, fax, phone are also usual modes of communication. Management reviews are chaired by the Managing Director or management representative and are attended by the food safety team. Management reviews are conducted on a yearly ссылка на продолжение. More frequent reviews are scheduled in periods when organizational or product changes or circumstances require increased attention and input from top management.

Review input Input to the meetings is provided in food safety management system manual free download number of ways as follows: Follow up action from previous management reviews Analysis of results from verification activities e.

The review also identifies resource needs to implement these actions. Results of management reviews are documented in minutes of the review meeting. The minutes include improvement actions and assign responsibilities and allocate resources for implementation of these actions.

Resource Management General Resources required for implementation and improvement of the FSMS and for a addressing customer satisfaction may include people, food safety management system manual free download, information, infrastructure, work environment and financial resources Determination of Resources Requirements Management representative and other personnel involved in the FSMS are responsible for determining resource requirements for the implementation and improvement of the system.


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